Exotic Low Maintenance Cool Pets That Are Legal To Own

Have you ever wondered, how can you get your hands on some unusually exotic pet animals that can be part of your life?

If you ever thought owning some exotic pets would be a colossal nightmare in care and possession, you would be surprised to know that the animals mentioned below are actually being kept as pets.


Bearded Dragon Lizard

Hold on, don’t be disgusted out just yet. The dragon lizard, tends to look like something out of The Hobbit but in reality, they are one of the gentlest reptiles out there. Despite their looks and being very strange animals, they love to be fondled and enjoy the occasional misty showers.

Often kept in glass aquariums, they are diurnal i.e. stay up during day and sleep at night. So you can watch them when you’re awake! Dragon lizards show great temperaments and can be handled so well, in fact even children can play them as well! Supervised of course.

Bearded Dragon Lizard


They are popular animals, If you remember the crocodile hunter Steve Irvin from Australia, you know very well what these things can grow up to be. Unlike lizards, which are tamed and less harmful, crocodiles tend be the same up until they are the same size.

You can never turn your back on a crocodile and keeping this reptile is a specialist job undoubtedly. You should ask the people, how everyday a crocodile is swimming in their backyard pools.



Look at the face, isn’t that just the cutest. The Chinchilla’s make a really good house pet for the average small family. The name though, sounds more like a Mexican drink off the bar. Keeping that Mexican energy note, these rodents are perky little energy balls making good pets for for teens and above.

Being light weight and very fragile, the Chinchilla’s zip like flash if left loose in the house. They are however very sensitive to, too tight of grips and can bite if provoked. The good part of these best pets, is their thick layer of fur and hardly any sound. Proving to be some excellent low maintenance pets.



Let’s face it, they tend to make very unique pets and look like something out of the devils nightmare. Before I even begin, scorpions hold a lot of physiological power that comes associated with their sight. Astrologically – Often resembling strength, is a strong reason for owners to keep as their preferred best exotic pets.

Scorpions can sting from their stinger, and definitely hurt their owners. Unlike others, scorpions are a definite no show for children, requiring expert care and handling from experienced individuals. Despite their unappealing looks, scorpions can be found easily in various pet shops.


Boa Constrictor Snake

This is a heart attack for me, or any other woman. Get ready to lose your girlfriend, if you have one of these bad boys in your house. Unlike most snakes of the world, Boas are constrictors that means they are large and non-poisonous and kill through strangling around their prey. Despite being weird pets, they are quite popular animals among enthusiasts.

Boas tend to grow past the 5 feet mark, more depending on the species. Considering the size, the weight will grow accordingly as much. Since Boas are amazon based, the enclosures for them are required to be high and heated to best mimic their natural habitat.

Boa Constrictor Snake

Mexican Red-Legged Tarantula

Though many would call them creepy and run away instantly, Tarantulas and in specific the Mexican Red-legged one is one very beginner species kept in captivity for pet use. There striking features are vibrant orange knees contrasted with a black body.

They show good temperament, and usually like to run away as the first line of defense. Despite being docile, they tend to be a little skittish at times and can show aggression if provoked.

Mexican Red-Legged Tarantula

Green Iguana

Another reptile on the list, we are pleased to inform you which doesn’t move so soften. Having a very slow moving speed will almost make it appear to be a plastic model. You will find the iguana usually spending time relaxing, sun basking and watching you with its deep spooky eyes.

Green Iguana


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