Top 7 Animals with the Worst Memory in the World

Everything can be stored in the short-term memory of animals, but it is quickly forgotten. Animals also have a wide range of specialised memories that can only remember a specific type of knowledge but store it for a very long time. For the animals on the top 7 animals with the worst memory in the world below that’s not the case.



The giraffe is the tallest mammal in the world because of its long neck and towering legs. Even just the legs of a giraffe are taller than most people as they stand at nearly 6 feet. Because of their large legs, giraffes can run at speeds of up to 35 mph over short distances and 10 mph over longer ones. These intriguing animals usually travel in small groups of approximately six or seven through the wide grasslands. They look like they’re really clever creatures. But their short-term memory spans only a few seconds. A giraffe’s short-term memory isn’t even enough to remember that they have done something.



Chimpanzees are large apes found in central and western Africa. They and baboons share 98.7% of our DNA, making them our closest living relative. Humans and chimpanzees may have shared an ancestor as far back as seven to thirteen million years ago.

Seeing chimpanzees on this list of creatures with a terrible memory may surprise many people. We regard chimpanzees as some of the most intelligent creatures on the planet. If not the smartest, at least one of the best.

They are capable of tackling a wide range of challenging tasks and issues. The region of chimps’ brains responsible for learning and development never stops growing, which explains why they are so brilliant. It is fairly similar case for humans.



It’s the slow, methodical movements that give sloths their name. It’s not uncommon for them to have such poor visual recall that they mistake their arms for tree branches, hold on with their opposing arms, and fall to their deaths. Worse, short-term memory and forgetfulness are the main challenges for this creature.



Turkey has a common lineage with grouse, pheasants, and other fowl that can be traced back over 20 million years in North America.  Despite their high speed, wild turkeys can only fly for a short distance before crashing to the ground. Most domestic turkeys, on the other hand, are unable to fly because they have been bred to be much larger than they would be in the wild. Turkey don’t appear intelligent, and they also have issue with with their memory which is one of the worst.



In recent years, the number of people owning hamsters as pets has skyrocketed. The hamster’s short-term memory is thought to be no more than three seconds. Which is why these household pets are on the list of top 7 animals with the worst memory in the world. As far as hamster intelligence is concerned, there hasn’t been much research done to find out. There are certain rodents, though, that can recognise you and even reply to your name if you train them for long enough.



Since pinnipeds spend so much time in the water, they have an amphibious way of life. Seals only leave the water to breed, give birth to young, shed their old skin, rest, regulate their body temperature, or flee from water-based predators. In reaction to extreme environmental conditions, such as changes in ice cover, a number of species are known to move long distances. Seals are one of the most intelligent species of animals. They can understand words and commands, as well as signs and human laughter, but they have poor memory.



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