Deadly Animals: Dealiest And The Most Dangerous Animals in The World

Most animals are commonly known as deadly for the humans. Few of the animals are extremely poisonous for the humans because they. Generally, venom is injected by such means as a bite or a sting. Various animals are killing animals like tiger and dangerous sharks.


Black Mamba

Black Mamba is the most dangerous and venomous snake in the world. It is inhabitant of African Continent. This snake is also the longest venomous snake of the Africa and the second longest venomous snake of the world (it can be as long as 14 ft.) after King Cobra. Black mamba is also the fastest moving snake of the world. If feeds on small birds and rodents and lives in grasslands of Africa. Once bitten, the humans rarely survive as the death occurs within half an hour in most of the cases. Every year thousands of humans fell prey to the bite of black mamba.

Black Mamba


Shark is carnivorous fish which lives in deep sea water (6600 ft under sea level). There are 440 different species of the shark. Shark is the oldest living animal/fish because it is older than dinosaurs. Millions of sharks are killed by humans every year for different purposes but there is no danger as far as their extinction is concerned. Sharks generally lives in slat water and only some species of shark lives in fresh water. The fishermen who sail through the seas for hunting the fishes are attacked by the sharks.



For some readers it is surprising to see mosquito on the top of most deadly animal’s list. But the fact is that, in the history of mankind no other animal or insect caused such great number of deaths as mosquitoes did. This little insect is found all around the world (especially in warm and tropical regions) and responsible for many fatal diseases such as Yellow Fever and Dengue Fever. It carries disease-causing viruses and parasites from one person to another without infecting itself.


Saltwater Crocodile

The Saltwater Crocodile is very dangerous and deadly animal as well which causes thousands of human casualties every year. It is also known as estuarine crocodile and it is the largest of all living reptiles on earth. This predator is inhabitant of Southeast Asia, Northern Australia and Eastern coast of India. It attacks on anything that enters in its territory including humans.

Saltwater Crocodile

Dart Frog

Dart frog which is also known as Poison dart Frog is venomous frog which is native to Central and South America. There are over 175 species of this frog and all contain toxin which is dangerous for other living things including humans. Their species is in danger of extinction because of different human activities.

Dart Frog

African Lion

African lion is a powerful and deadly animal which is found in Sub-Saharan Africa. Due to unbridled hunting their species is in danger of extinction. This animal is usually man eater and they kill human beings for food and for this reason the humans hunt these aggressors down. Their speed and strength helps them to prey even larger and powerful animals.

African Lion

American Black Bear

American Black Bear is the most common type of bear which is inhabitant of North America. It is harmful for human beings because it not only attacks on humans but also destroy property and livestock. This smallest type of bear has huge population and there is no fear of its extinction.

American Black Bear


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